Trailer . Interviews . DVD

We would like to inform you about a great variety of International Summer School on Busines Mediation videos and DVD’s.

ISBM 2014

Pause for a few moments to sample a short feature of the 6th International Summer School on Business Mediation . ISBM 2014


ISBM 2012

Pause for a few moments to sample a short feature of the 5th International Summer School on Business Mediation . ISBM 2012


ISBM 2010

Pause for a few moments to sample a short feature of the 4th International Summer School on Business Mediation . ISBM 2010


ISBM 2008

Please have a look at some impressions of the 3rd International Summer School on Business Mediation . ISBM 2008:

ISBM 2006

To get an impression of „Learning with all Senses“ take a look at the trailer of the ISBM 2006 (Trailer .wmv, duration: appr. 3:54 min).

ISBM 2004

The trailer of the 1st International Summer School on Business Mediation 2004 (Trailer .wmv; duration appr. 3 min.) provides a taste of the first Summer School.  


DVD’s showing selected workshops and the presentations of the International Summer School on Business Mediation . ISBM 2004, videos of the demo-mediations during the 2nd International Summer School on Business Mediation ISBM 2006 and presentations of the ISBM 2008 were produced by Concadora and are available there.
DVD 1: »Haltung - Verhalten - Fair Halten in der Wirtschaftsmediation«
Peter Heintel, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Matthias Varga von Kibéd, Leo Montada (In Geman)
DVD 2: »Körpersprache in der Mediation«
Walter Samuel Bartussek (In German)
DVD 3: »Umgang mit schwierigen Situationen in der Mediation«
Stephan Breidenbach (In German)
DVD 4: »Teilen - Verteilen - Beurteilen: Ein Oxymoron?«
Christian Duve (In German)
DVD 5: »Mediation: Ein Balanceakt zwischen polaren Haltungen«
Friedrich Glasl (In German)
DVD 6: »Bedürfnisse und Gefühle«
Marshall B. Rosenberg
DVD 7: »Präsent sein: Empathie und Selbstempathie«
Marshall B. Rosenberg 
DVD 8: »Systemische Arbeit an Wertsystemen in der Mediation«
Matthias Varga von Kibéd (In German)
DVD 9: »Wirtschaftsmediation in der Praxis: Konflikt in einem Familienunternehmen«
Erica A. Fox, Leonard L. Riskin, Marshall B. Rosenberg
DVD 9/1 Erica A. Fox, Harvard. (In English)
DVD 9/2 Leonard L. Riskin, Gainesville. In English)
DVD 9/3 Marshall B. Rosenberg, La Crescenta. (In English)
DVD 10: »Wirtschaftsmediation in der Praxis: Konflikt in einem Bauprojekt«
Bruce Edwards, Wilfried Kerntke
DVD 10/1 Bruce Edwards, San Francisco. (In English)
DVD 10/2 Wilfried Kerntke, Offenbach. (In German)

DVD 11: „Conflict Work in Family Businesses“ (only in German)
Gerald Hüther, Rudi Ballreich, Klaus Deissler, Friedrich Glasl, Torsten Groth, Marlies Lenglachner, Gunther Schmidt

The short presentations address special aspects of family businesses, which are relevant to mediaton, mamangement consulting and supervision. Gerald Hüther presents the neurobiologist’s view of communication in change processes and conflicts. How this affects the interaction between the people involved as well as proecesses within the organisation is described by Rudi Ballreich, Klaus Deissler, Friedrich Glasl, Torsten Groth, Marlies Lenglacher and Gunther Schmidt.
DVD 12: „Resolve atmosheric ‚ghosts’ in family conflicts“ (only in German)
Rudi Ballreich, Friedrich Glasl
Moods and atmospheres between people strongly influence what happens in a conflict. The case of a conflict within a construction company is presented to illlustrate how mediators con work directly with „atmospheric ghosts“ using art as a means of diagnosis and intervention.
DVD 13: „Body Language: Using and Understanding Embodiment“ (only in German)
Gerald Hüther, Brigitte Hüther
Body posture, facial expressions and gestures are expressions of experiences anchored in the brain as well as a mirror of moods and feelings. Pantomime Walter Samuel Bartussek demonstrates how mindset and feelings can be changed by switching body postures.
DVD 14: „The Interaction of the Family System with the Business System in Mediation“ (only in German)
Friedrich Glasl, Matthias Varga von Kibéd
The true case of a family business illustrates how clarity can be reached using structural constellation. As a next step, sources of tension and approaches for solutions are visulized in colours and shapes and lead to the development of concrete options.
DVD 15: „ The Power of Inner Images: Structural Constelllation as a Means of Conflict Resolution“ (only in German)
Gerald Hüther, Matthias Varga von Kibéd
Every human being possesses a kind of inner knowledge as to how relationships have to be shaped toi meet the needs of all people involved. Thus, the resolution of conflicts are present in the people in conflict. The art lies in making them surface in the people concerned.


Mario Patera has interviewed politicians and entrepreneurs on the issue of business mediation. These interviews reflect the reception of business mediation and indicate how business mediation can be more deeply anchored in businesses.
-      Mag. Andreas Treichl, CEO of Erste Bank  [Download] (only in German!)
-      M.S. Hannes Missethon, Member of the Austrian Parliament, Mananging Director of ÖVP Steiermark (Austrian People’s Party in Styria) [Download] (only in German!)
-      Dr. Gerhard Reiner, Chairman of the Board, Volksbank Graz-Bruck reg.GmbH [Download] (only in German!)
-      Mag.a Karin Gastinger, former Minister of Justice [Download] (only in German!)
-      Reinhold Gmeinbauer, Managing Director, Die Presse [Download] (only in German!)
-      Ing. Karl Minich,Member of the Board Kone AG [Download] (only in German!)
-      Dr. Manfred Schwarz, Managing Director Connect Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung GmbH (Public Accountants and Tax Consultants [Download] (only in German!)
-      Abt Dr. Bruno Hubl, Abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont [Download] (only in German!)
-      Mag. Michael Schober, Partner Deloitte [Download] (only in German!)
-      Mag.a Hannah Rieger, Director of Communication of Investkredit Bank [Download] (only in German!)
Production and Copyright by Robert Newald Filmproduktion